The Dredge - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
The Dredge is the Killer with the highest situational Movement speed in Dead by Daylight, able to move at a maximum of 38 m/s when teleporting during Nightfall. This disregards instantaneous teleportation Powers, as those are not associated with a Movement speed.
The Dredge - Villains Wiki
The Druanee, better known as The Dredge, is one of the playable killers in Dead by Daylight. It is a monstrous beast created from the dark thoughts of the peaceful community of The Fold. They are voiced by Roxana B.L., Maude Théberge, Vanessa Landry, Misha Standjofski, Philippe Langelier, and...
The Dredge | Roots of Dread | Chapter 24 - Dead by Daylight
A twisted abomination too disturbing to bear, The Dredge’s malevolence is palpable. All light slowly drains in its presence, surrounding Survivors in darkness. Using lockers as map-wide gateways, it can emerge at any moment, seemingly everywhere at once.
A Comprehensive Guide to Playing As the Dredge in DBD
Jul 1, 2022 · Dredge's Return to Remnant ability is mainly useful for helping you win at loops as you can press the button to put down the remnant of black smoke and use it to teleport right next to a survivor when you're at a loop.
Dead By Daylight: Builds for The Dredge - Game Rant
Oct 24, 2023 · With the ability to teleport across the map and shutdown loops with its Remnant, the Dredge is a potent threat. With over 200 perks in the game, there's a lot to choose from when it comes to...
[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Dredge Builds That Are Excellent
The Dredge is one of the newest killers that has been introduced in dead by daylight, in chapter 24: Roots of Dread, released on 7 June 2022. The Dredge has a unique power of teleportation on the map, inspired by a monster "Bogeyman", a fictional mythical creature used to scare children, and often appears from under the bed, or the closet.
Designing The Dredge | Dead by Daylight
May 31, 2022 · In Dead by Daylight’s new Chapter Roots of Dread, the new Killer is The Dredge. A formless mass of twisted limbs writhing in the shadows, The Dredge is a manifestation of darkness itself.
Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge?
Increases the Charge rate of the Nightfall Meter while Survivors are injured by +66 % per second. A deep bond with The Entity unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability. After hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 60 / 50 / 40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed to you for 5 seconds.
Dead By Daylight: 10 Perks That Are Awesome On The Dredge - Game Rant
Jun 10, 2022 · The Dredge is a powerful end game Killer even on large maps, thanks to his ability to teleport between lockers and thereby patrol even huge areas with ease.
Dead By Daylight: How To Play As The Dredge - TheGamer
Jun 12, 2022 · Learn everything you need to know about The Dredge, one of the new Killers in Dead By Daylight. This guide includes power, perks, and more.