5 For more information, see Methodology for Sunni-Shia Estimates in the Pew Research Center’s October 2009 report “Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Muslim Population.”
Shia in our country? Is this problem very prevalent, moderately prevalent, not very prevalent or not prevalent at all? Iran 7 16 39 22 16 100 DK/Ref. Total Not at all prevalent Not too prevalent Moderately prevalent Very prevalent Q88IRN. How prevalent is the problem, if at all, of tensions between Muslims who
2 PEW RESEARCH CENTER www.pewresearch.org Acknowledgments This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals.
Feb 22, 2022 · î $6. ,) )2//2:6 7+( 1(:6 4 4 +rz kdyh \rx ehhq jhwwlqj wkh qhzv" >,17(59,(:(5 '2 127 5($' 5(63216(
2 PEW RESEARCH CENTER www.pewresearch.org Table of Contents Overview 3 1. The search for a new congregation 10
FOR RELEASE DEC. 16, 2019 FOR MEDIA OR OTHER INQUIRIES: Dennis Quinn, Computational Social Scientist Andrew Grant, Communications Associate
Luis Lugo, Director Alan Cooperman, Deputy Director Cary Funk, Senior Researcher Erin O’Connell, Associate Director, Communications
FOR RELEASE OCT. 17, 2019 FOR MEDIA OR OTHER INQUIRIES: Gregory A. Smith, Associate Director of Research Anna Schiller, Communications Manager
express an opinion about the pope (21% vs. 11%). Among both weekly Mass attenders and those who attend religious services less often, only about one-in-twenty Catholics say they have an unfavorable view of Pope Francis.
4 PEW RESEARCH CENTER www.pewresearch.org RANDOMIZE Q.B21/Q.B22 ASK ALL: Q.B21 Do you think abortion should be [READ IN ORDER TO RANDOM HALF OF SAMPLE, IN