ON TOP OF SOMETHING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ON TOP OF SOMETHING definition: 1. in addition to something, especially something unpleasant: 2. in control of something or able…. Learn more.
ON TOP Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ON TOP is on the highest part or surface of something. How to use on top in a sentence.
ON TOP | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ON TOP definition: in the best or most successful position: . Learn more.
on top of (someone or something) - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
In complete control or with complete awareness of someone or something, often due to being diligent, fully informed, and/or up-to-date. A: "How is the new project going?" B: "Right on …
on top - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Definition of on top in the Idioms Dictionary. on top phrase. What does on top expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
On Top Of: Definition, Meaning, and Origin - US Dictionary
Aug 25, 2023 · What Does "On Top Of" Mean? The expression "on top of" denotes being in control of, informed about, or responsible for something. This idiom has versatile applications …
ON TOP definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
ON TOP definition: at the top; successful | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
ON TOP Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
In a dominant or successful position. It is also put as come out on top , as in As we expected, Paul again came out on top in the chess tournament . [Mid-1500s] Also see on top of.
Understanding the Idiom: "on top" - Meaning, Origins, and Usage
The most straightforward use of “on top” is when it refers to something or someone physically located above another object or person. For example, if you place a book on top of a table, it …
“At The Top” vs. “In The Top” vs. “On The Top” - Grammarhow
“At the top” refers to a particular hierarchical point. “In the top” means among the highest in rank – like being in the top percentiles of scorers on a test. “On the top” usually refers to the physical …