Ohio Parole Board
The Parole Board currently consists of nine members whose primary statutory duties include conducting release consideration hearings on all parole-eligible incarcerated adults and providing clemency recommendations to the Governor.
Parole Board Hearing Input - Ohio
Find out how to communicate with the Ohio Parole Board regarding incarcerated individual hearing input.
Parole - Ohio
The APA was created in 1965 and is responsible for the duties addressed in Chapters 5149 and 2967 of the Ohio Revised Code . The APA is comprised of the Parole Board and Field Services.
Division of Parole and Community Services - Ohio
Ohio Parole Board The Ohio Parole Board members are primarily responsible for conducting release consideration hearings for those incarcerated persons serving sentences whose releases are subject to the discretion of the Board, and providing clemency recommendations to …
Offender Search - Ohio
This site displays data on those offenders who are currently incarcerated in an Ohio prison, currently under Department supervision, or judicially released. You can combine searches to narrow the results, but please note that it is better to have too little search criteria than too much.
Lisa Hoying - Ohio
Hoying comes to the Parole Board with 11 years of experience as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney with the Clark County Prosecutor’s Office. She began in the Civil Division of the Prosecutor’s Office providing legal advice to county entities and subdivisions on numerous issues.
Clemency - Ohio
Executive Clemency is an act of mercy or leniency from certain consequences of a criminal conviction, and is exercised by the Governor after receipt of a recommendation from the Parole Board. Clemency can be in the form of a pardon, commutation, or reprieve.
Supervision - Ohio
Jul 1, 1996 · Supervision plays a critical role in our mission to reduce recidivism among those we touch. Many currently and formerly incarcerated individuals need ongoing guidance and oversight from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
Regions & Map - Ohio
The Adult Parole Authority partners with community stakeholders and law enforcement in six regions throughout the state to ensure the safe reentry of offenders.
Request for Reconsideration and Amendments to Parole Board
Jul 15, 2021 · Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction | 4545 Fisher Road, Suite D, Columbus, OH 43228 | 614-387-0588