What are your thoughts on made for this? : r/deadbydaylight
Jun 21, 2023 · Made for this is a perk that is a threat at all given times the second you chose not to play an insta down killer/Nurse/Blight or Clown My suggestion to nerfing this perk would be …
Does Made for this feel OP? : r/deadbydaylight - Reddit
Made for this makes easier to reach spots with cover from line of sight and makes some mindgames way harder punishing more for missplays. Hag yeah she will do good but she has …
"Made for this" works with "For the people" - Reddit
May 25, 2023 · As the title says "Made for this" works with "For the people". It's a pretty good combo, it can get you and your mates out of some tricky situations.Just avoid pairing it with an …
I made a giant list of New Killer Ideas : r/deadbydaylight - Reddit
Dec 14, 2023 · Now, what this is this is a google doc quite literally filled with a 100+ pages of new DBD Killer Ideas that me and some of my friends have made. An idea hub, if you will. Some …
Why do lots of people use made for this? : r/deadbydaylight - Reddit
Sep 24, 2023 · Came back to dbd a couple months ago and saw lots of people using this and saying it was good, i don't understand how 3% haste would make any difference though? …
How good is “Made for this”? And is Gabriel worth buying ... - Reddit
Jul 17, 2023 · Made for This is extremely good, though imo a bit overstated. It makes it take ~20% longer for the killer to catch back up if you just hard W forward which is pretty close to Sprint …
made for this + hope on the PTB...damn : r/deadbydaylight - Reddit
May 25, 2023 · The DBD community as a whole really is laughable, they're so easy to deceive into a panic. Just like Hyperfocus and Blood Rush and... every other chapter before this, …
Is Made for This able to be used with For the People?
Technically buckle up was the replacement to made for this which got patched some time ago not to work with for the the people if I recall correctly. Reply reply Skoopidity
Does Made for This work with For the People? : r/deadbydaylight
Oct 17, 2023 · Does Made for This work with For the People? Because I was quite sure devs said that it wouldn't yet I literally just had a match where someone was able to pick someone up …
I had some very fun Hope + Made for This value in endgame. A
Jun 26, 2023 · The combination of hope and made for this is straight up broken. For reference I have been stunned as spirit broke the pallet and then started phasing with yellow duration and …