What to do when a linear regression gives negative estimates …
$\begingroup$ Your model is misspecified; you need a different kind of model. If your data cannot go below 0, and your model can, your model does not reflect the reality of your data. The …
How should outliers be dealt with in linear regression analysis?
From experience, exclusion should be limited to instances of incorrect data entry. Reweighting outliers in the linear regression model is a very good compromise method. The application of …
What is the effect of having correlated predictors in a multiple ...
Because the variance of the sampling distribution of the regression coefficient would be larger (by a factor of the VIF) if it were correlated with other variables in the model, the p-values would …
Linear model with both additive and multiplicative effects
Sep 23, 2020 · You can use Linear Regression to model any linear/non-linear relationship using basis expansion (slides from Elements of Statistical Learning). In your case you could …
Why should one do Wald test after linear regression
Jul 19, 2020 · Edit: I checked with some linear regressions and Wald test for hypothesis (predictor_name = 0) gives almost exactly same P-value as the linear regression fitted …
regression - What is wrong with extrapolation? - Cross Validated
Jun 19, 2016 · A regression model is often used for extrapolation, i.e. predicting the response to an input which lies outside of the range of the values of the predictor variable used to fit the …
Assumptions of linear models and what to do if the residuals are …
Check different kind of models. Another model might be better to explain your data (for example, non-linear regression, etc). You would still have to check that the assumptions of this "new …
regression - What intuitively is "bias"? - Cross Validated
In regression we can get biased estimators of slopes by doing stepwise regression. A variable is more likely to be kept in a stepwise regression if the estimated slope is further from 0 and …
Simple explanation of dynamic linear models - Cross Validated
Sep 20, 2018 · The most common question is "what does the state variable represent?" The answer to that depends on the model, but most DLMs can be thought of as a regression with a …
Using years when calculating linear regression?
The assignment is to calculate the linear regression analysis/regression equation for a data set containing years and the percentage of unemployment in the population at that time. While I'm …