Court Shorts: Judicial Review - United States Courts
When it comes to legal disputes, the courts are the final deciders of what the Constitution means. This authority – known as judicial review – gives the Supreme Court and federal courts the …
About the Supreme Court - United States Courts
Judicial Review The best-known power of the Supreme Court is judicial review, or the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution, is not found …
This decision created the doctrine of judicial review and set up the Supreme Court of the United States as chief interpreter of the Constitution. Historians say that the genius of Chief Justice …
FAQs: Filing a Judicial Conduct or Disability Complaint Against a ...
If one or more judicial council members dissents from the circuit chief judge’s dismissal or conclusion of your complaint, you may request review by the Committee on Judicial Conduct …
Administrative Oversight and Accountability - United States Courts
Council functions cover judicial conduct and disability review processes, and councils review district court plans on a range of topics such as indigent defense and jury selection. Every …
Court Role and Structure - United States Courts
The judicial branch, in turn, has the authority to decide the constitutionality of federal laws and resolve other cases involving federal laws. But judges depend upon the executive branch to …
About the Judicial Conference of the United States
Judicial Conference committees review issues within their established jurisdictions and make policy recommendations to the Conference. The committees are policy-advisory entities and …
Supreme Court Landmarks - United States Courts
Holding: Established the doctrine of judicial review. In the Judiciary Act of 1789, Congress gave the Supreme Court the authority to issue certain judicial writs. The Constitution did not give the …
Judicial Conduct & Disability - United States Courts
The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, 28 U.S.C. §§ 351–364, establishes a process by which any person can file a complaint alleging a federal judge has engaged in “conduct …
Judges and Judicial Administration – Journalist’s Guide
The Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability similarly publishes all orders constituting final action on a complaint. The committee’s orders are available at Judicial Conduct and Disability …