Pedigree Database:
* * We currently have 473 229 dogs, 295 498 photos in the database and 27739 registered users! Club Breeders of Pit Bull Terriers is not responsible for any Pedigree Database content. It is …
Pedigree Database:
Club Breeders of Pit Bull Terriers is not responsible for any Pedigree Database content. It is not the intent or purpose of the APBT Online Register to condone or promote any illegal activity. …
Pedigree Database: YACUZA'S VIRGIL
Dogs can only be created/edited by users who pay an annual fee. These users will also not see any advertising on the site. If you would like to make a payment (20 Euro for one year), click …
Pedigree Database:
Club Breeders of Pit Bull Terriers is not responsible for any Pedigree Database content. It is not the intent or purpose of the APBT Online Register to condone or promote any illegal activity. …
Pedigree Database: GARNER'S DYNOMITE
adamo & carolina game dogs huckleberry annie 1 arce's michelle arce's senorita arce's trouble armand's cherie azkids' zappa 1xw bad company's johnny baker's/garner's hope bdb's simba …
Pedigree Database: GARNER'S EL NEGRO
Dogs can only be created/edited by users who pay an annual fee. These users will also not see any advertising on the site. If you would like to make a payment (20 Euro for one year), click …
Dogs can only be created/edited by users who pay an annual fee. These users will also not see any advertising on the site. If you would like to make a payment (20 Euro for one year), click …
Pedigree Database: ADAMS' ZEBO
Dogs can only be created/edited by users who pay an annual fee. These users will also not see any advertising on the site. If you would like to make a payment (20 Euro for one year), click …
Pedigree Database: AS KENNEL SIA
Dogs can only be created/edited by users who pay an annual fee. These users will also not see any advertising on the site. If you would like to make a payment (20 Euro for one year), click …
Pedigree Database:
Welcome to The APBT Online Register websites. Our aim is to simplify the process of releasing certificates for American Pitt Bull Terrier breed as much as possible. There exists a number of …