Urban Atlas - Denmark - Copenhagen (København)
May 28, 2010 · The Urban Atlas is providing pan-European comparable land use and land cover data for Large Urban Zones with more than 100.000 inhabitants as defined by the Urban Audit.
Urban Land Ownership Mapping in Copenhagen - Medium
Oct 31, 2023 · This study mapped land ownership in Copenhagen (as of August, 2023) aiming to reveal the largest land owners, patterns in management of land, and resulting power dynamics …
Land use scenarios for greater Copenhagen: Modelling the impact …
Jan 1, 2012 · We test three policy scenarios and analyse different effects on urban growth by using the Metronamica model from the Dutch-based Research Institute for Knowledge …
Basemap - Aarhus Universitet
Basemap is a national map of land use and land cover for Denmark. Basemap combines publicly available spatial information into one map. Basemap is a raster map with a cell size of 10 x 10 …
This strat-egy has helped ensure easy access to recreational areas for the entire Copenhagen population, as well as easy access into central Copenhagen from the entire Greater …
The most important data for a land use model is a land use map. For Copen- hagen, only the CORINE data base (EEA 2010) is providing data for more than one point in time (1990, 2000 …
Copenhagen: Land use and transport planning - p2infohouse.org
Copenhagen designed a new master plan in 1993 in order to improve the living conditions in the city (pollution reduction, green spaces) and to co-ordinate urban growth with more …
The study shows that, while the most visible impacts of land use changes can be found at the close urban fringe, many other dynamics have a much longer reach into the rural-urban …
Land Use Scenarios for Greater Copenhagen: Modelling the …
In this context we will present the results of a modelling exercise addressing future land use change in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen and the impact of the current regional …
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What are the land use needs of the area encompassed by the MAP, in the light of climate change? What policy initiatives are already in place, and what are some examples of actions …
- Some results have been removed