The Hunter's Guide to Beasts and Kin: Part 1 : r/bloodborne - Reddit
Beast/Kin damage gems are also often more valuable on lower durability weapons since the bonus damage does not decrease as much as weapons are used. 5) Arcane is absolutely incredible against Beast/Kin once you have weapons to take advantage of it. Although Strength and Skill definitely are more useful early on for damage, if you ignore Arcane ...
r/bloodborne on Reddit: ATK vs kin down or ATK vs beast down …
Jul 1, 2016 · Kin/beast hunter gems (ATK vs kin/beast up) are nice at times, though I always choose physical/arcane/whatever gems over those since you're very limited with those gems. Beast up would probably be more beneficial overall than kin up like you mentioned, but you'd miss out on the extra damage on a lot of other enemies :(
Complete list of Beast / Kin and weapons that do bonus damage.
May 16, 2015 · Discussion of Bloodborne. This sub exists for: >* creating, arguing for, and criticising Lore and Story Theories. >* discussing the meaning of various item descriptions and character dialogue. >* discussing observations of Yharnam and its various Districts. >* anything else involving Bloodborne's Lore and Story
Is the Orphan of Kos a kin? : r/bloodborne - Reddit
Nov 29, 2015 · Yes he is a kin since he is a great one, all great ones in bloodborne and the dlc have a weakness to bolt, just as most beast bosses have a weakness against fire savour Laurence & The Watchdog as there both 'made' of fire and deal mostly fire damage.
Differences Between Kin And Great Ones? : r/bloodborne - Reddit
Dec 9, 2021 · My personal (somewhat out there) hypothesis is that there's two different "factions" of eldritch monster in Bloodborne, Nightmares and Kin of the Cosmos. The Cosmos serves as an insulation of sorts between the Nightmare and the waking world, which is why Kin appear only in the waking world and the margins of the Nightmare.
Who are the kin? : r/bloodborne - Reddit
Apr 13, 2015 · Kin are NOT: Humans, Beasts, Animals, etc. NPC hunters and PVP hunters are not kin. Beasts also take increased damage from fire, while Kin take more damage from Bolt Humans and hunters are neutral (outside armor resists and stuff)
What bosses / enemies classify as kin or beast? : r/bloodborne
Kin are the "Celestial Children," Celestial Emissary, Brainsucker, Rom, Ebrietas, Living Failures, and (I think) those "Fluorescent Flower" fireball-shooting centipedes, eyeball fly guys around Byrgenwerth and the creepy-crawly Kin "babies" from the Upper Cathedral Ward.
Lore question: What is the difference between Kin and Great Ones?
Oct 24, 2017 · Brainsuckers are Kin but not Great Ones, they appear to be humans who have consumed too much Eldritch wisdom (same with the mini Emissaries Iosefka creates). The Orphan of Kos is a Great One and not Kin, presumably because he is the true offspring of Kos. This is my understanding, but I'm not a lore scholar, so take it with a pinch of salt.
What bosses are considered kin, and which are considered
The great ones aren't considered kin with the exception of Ebrietas. The emissary isn't a true great one, it was created by the choir and also kin of the cosmos. Not a single boss is affected by the righteous (holy) modifier. Only a few enemies are affected, mostly the Cainhurst ones. Ghosts, bloodlickers, Gargoyles.
(Lore) what the hell is up with the Kin? : r/bloodborne - Reddit
Apr 24, 2015 · This is an important distinction because a lot of other people on the Bloodborne Reddit make a distinction between the Great Ones and the Kin. The fact that the Great Ones take extra damage from '% kin damage' gems means that this is wrong, and the Great Ones and the Kin are one and the same, even if the Great Ones are higher levels of Kin than ...