meaning - What does "the best of us" in "the best of us must …
The best of us refers to the members of a group who excel in some way that is pertinent to the group's identity, focus, or sense of purpose and duty. The group can be a small one or it can include everybody. Every runner on their team runs a four-minute mile. Even the best of us cannot do it in less than 4 minutes 15 seconds.
meaning - Idiom "Do the best" - English Language Learners Stack …
Dec 13, 2019 · Meaning of "οἱ" in a passage from Xenophon On device with multiple Google accounts, does each account have access to use Find My Device? Is the Greek in Revelation 7:14 ambiguous?
the meaning of "as best as" - English Language Learners Stack …
Dec 16, 2017 · My feeling is that as best as in meaning would be somewhat similar to the expression to the best of one's ability (but I don't think they're completely interchangeable) and, with regard to the actual phrase in question, to the expression to the best of one's recollection. It has the nuance that there is a mental or physical effort involved on ...
"At best" and "at their best" - WordReference Forums
Oct 19, 2013 · "At best" tends to mean roughly the same as "at most", in a general sense. It means something like "in the best imaginable circumstances". "At their best" means approximately "to the best of their capability". I find "at their best" makes more sense as an adverbial than adjectival phrase, and don't much like K-W's 'contestants' example.
Letter: Closing - 'Best,' vs. 'Bests,' - WordReference Forums
May 17, 2005 · The word "best" is an adjective which means it describes a noun - it does not stand alone. Lots of people have seen this closing to a message, but that does not make it correct. A closing is an implied thought.
grammar - Grammatical function of "at best" idiom - English …
Jan 7, 2015 · In those sentences, at best functions as an adverbial phrase. In your examples, it modifies either an adjective or a whole clause. I've marked the part of the sentence that at best modifies in bold below: Their response to the proposal was, at best, cool. The government's response seems to have been at best confused and at worst dishonest.
best-placed - WordReference Forums
May 25, 2015 · hi! What does best-placed mean in these sentences? "Local people know their countries, and are best-placed to tell their own stories." "Mr Brown then again insisted that the IMF was wrong, he was right, and that the UK was the best-placed country to handle the recession." Thank you,
meaning - Why does "the best of friends" mean what it means?
Nov 27, 2022 · The best of friends literally means the best of all possible friends. So if we say it of two friends, it literally means that the friendship is the best one possible between any two people. In its common (idiomatic) use, it most often actually just means "very good" friends.
Meaning of "At best" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Mar 1, 2019 · Meaning of "At best" Ask Question Asked 5 years, 11 months ago. Modified 5 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 35 ...
All the best to you as well. | WordReference Forums
Jan 18, 2010 · Either way, all the best to you, too … or, all the best to you as well. The first one seems more natural.