When I told them how this made me feel, they assured me we were indeed friends and said I was being “too sensitive.” I value ...
Every week, you’ll find advice from our team of psychologists to help you through all the ups and downs of life.
"I don’t recommend going 'no contact' as a strategy to win an ex back, as it can keep someone hopeful and in denial, rather ...
If you feel like your husband doesn't appreciate you or doesn't look at you with the same loving eyes as before, dedicate ...
By the third day, I realized I was being singled out for having different opinions and struggling to keep up physically.
I have been dating this guy for five years. Two years ago, one of his friends came on to me through a text. I told him I’m not the kind of woman who cheats. He respected that and didn’t text me again.
Shortly before my partner’s return, this relative privately requested the “support” I’d promised: They confessed they were attracted to me and wanted a secret relationship! I was morally offended and ...
I can forgive lots of things, but not lies and faithlessness. All I want is us to be happy together for ever. Is it possible?
This opened letter comes to you my fellow Liberian-siblings (my Liberian brothers and sisters), as we are from the same country of origin, Mama Liberia.I am a very private and an apolitical person, as ...
BJ Neufeld might be the newest member of his squad, but when it comes to this week’s Brier, he was always way ahead of his ...
That said, muscle soreness, especially after a new form of exercise, can flare up as much as a day later and last for a week.
Struggling after a breakup? Try these 6 highly effective and practical ways to heal faster and build future resilience.