A teenage boy is recovering in the hospital after suffering a medical emergency directly after a high school basketball game in Waterbury.
The Waterbury school confirmed one of their players "needed and received medical attention" at an away game at another school ...
WATERBURY - Addressing homelessness, providing more affordable housing, and ensuring the city's school district continues to ...
WATERBURY — Town Plot Neighborhood Association will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel ...
A man was arrested Wednesday on DUI and manslaughter charges in connection with a fatal crash in Waterbury in November. Luis ...
The United Way of Greater Waterbury, the City of Waterbury and The Housing Collective have each pledged a $20,000 commitment to keep the center open at all hours.
According to the United Way, while more than 300 people took advantage of the area shelters in December, almost double this amount still slept outside.