Maureen Santos is an ecologist and political scientist, currently serving as coordinator of the Politics and Alternatives ...
The Bush Administration has notified the Congress of its intention to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Mexico and its desire to have the ratification of such an agreement put on a special ...
(February 16, 2001 -- Cropchoice news) -- After a few seasons growing Roundup Ready soybeans, the Nelson family isn't impressed. But the fact that the bio-engineered seeds haven't increased their ...
Wall Street Journal | Op-Ed | By HOLMAN W. JENKINS JR. If mankind rejects the benefits of gene splicing, there will be a better reason than one company's public relations miscues. Monsanto was on a ...
In the Philippines, traditional knowledge touches on almost all facets of the economic and social development of a community from agriculture to literature and from customary law to arts and crafts.
HELENA, Mont. - A Montana-based research and development company for cereal grains. WestBred LLC, has been acquired by Monsanto, the world's biggest provider of seeds. Monsanto announced Tuesday it ...
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Kraft Foods recalled on Friday all taco shells that it sells in supermarkets under the Taco Bell brand after tests confirmed they were made with genetically engineered corn that isn ...
TOLEDO, Ohio, August 30, 2002 (ENS) - The city of Toledo must stop dumping raw sewage into nearby waterways, under a Clean Water Act settlement with federal and state officials. The Department of ...
`Regulatory protection' is but one name for the tens of thousands of cost-raising, behind-the-border measures that continue to substantially inhibit trade. Most of these measures are seemingly ...
Payments for environmental services (PES) represent a new, more direct way to promote conservation. They explicitly recognize the need to address difficult trade-offs by bridging the interests of ...