Abstract: In recent years, crowd counting has garnered increasing attention due to its wide range of societal applications. However, the vast differences in crowd density distributions across various ...
Abstract: In this article, we investigate a resource allocation problem for a multiunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) assisted integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system, where a group of ...
Abstract: Hyperspectral anomaly detection (HAD) is challenging especially when anomalies appear in the form of subpixels. Since the spectral signatures of anomalies in mixed pixels are mixed with ...
Abstract: Anchor graph has been recently proposed to accelerate multi-view graph clustering and widely applied in various large-scale applications. Different from capturing full instance relationships ...
Abstract: Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is envisioned as a key pillar for enabling the upcoming sixth generation (6G) communication systems, requiring not only reliable communication ...
Abstract: Oblique-chamber pneu-net soft actuators (OC-PNSAs) exhibit helical deformation upon inflation. The symmetric oblique-chamber pneu-net soft actuator (SOC-PNSA) consists of two symmetric ...
Abstract: That we cannot make all pieces of a given kind of product identically alike is accepted as a general truth. It follows that the qualities of pieces of the same kind of product differ among ...
Abstract: Hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising is a crucial preprocessing step for subsequent tasks. The clean HSI usually reside in a low-dimensional subspace, which can be captured by low-rank and ...
Abstract: Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) plays an important role in the state estimation of mobile robots. Most popular LiDAR SLAM (L-SLAM) methods extract feature points only from the ...
Abstract: Feature selection is an effective data preprocessing technique. In some practical applications, features may continuously arrive one by one or by groups, and we cannot know the exact number ...
Abstract: It is always well believed that pre-trained vision-language foundation models (e.g., CLIP) would substantially facilitate vision-language tasks. Nevertheless, there has been less evidence in ...