Because despite ubiquitous reading challenges and stacked Letterboxd reviews, no one is monitoring how much you read or watch ...
Elementary school students in Mason City are working on their literacy skills and mentorship abilities by helping younger ...
Marshall has been working as a reading specialist for the past three years. During the first year, she trained and looked at ...
Find out why teaching English spelling explicitly is essential for literacy and why shortchanging spelling instruction is ...
The program is called "Coaching a Better Reader Family," and Caves encourages all families to participate. She boasts that ...
Being able to read is the cornerstone of learning and growing.Strong reading skills help readers build their understanding of ...
Developed by media secretary Jen Cole, the reading ambassador program is new to West Kelloggsville this year. The program ...
This is the second year that the full screener has ... The number of kindergarteners who ended the year reading on or above grade level increased by nearly 27 percentage points.
Literacy rates are tumbling as kids' attention spans dwindle. Families are scraping together funds to move schools or get tutors, driving a societal divide.
The 7th grade English teacher says he believes middle school should be like summer camp with a lot of homework.
A panel of reading experts has designated the tests that school districts can use to identify reading difficulties that ...