A new Lupin The 3rd movie by Telecom Animation Film is set to be released in 2025, marking the first 2D feature-length movie in 30 years. Takeshi Koike, known for Afro Samurai and other anime ...
Lupin the IIIrd the Movie is a new vision of the classic anime series directed by Takeshi Koike. This feature film continues Koike's work from previous short films, which individually explored the ...
The first animated adaptation of the popular manga series, this pilot introduces the main characters of "Lupin the Third" with montages, presented through a short frame narrative illustrating a ...
plays master thief Assane Diop in the hit Netflix series Seven people have been charged after an armed robbery was staged last month on the French film set of hit Netflix series 'Lupin'.
Family Pack (Loups-garous) is a French fantasy adventure comedy film from Netflix inspired by the game The Werewolves of ...
A series of animated action-adventure films directed by Takeshi Koike (animation director and character designer for "The Woman Called Fujiko Mine"). Each centers on one of Lupin's long-time ...
However, he ended up playing Remus Lupin in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and the four final films in the franchise. "I was directing my own movie [Cheeky] when [the offer for Lupin ...
I write about cinema and TV series in Europe. If you’d like to know what Lupin is really about, then just take a look at a new promotional stunt released by Netflix France on Tuesday ...