Researchers developed a tool for predicting the prognosis of people with chronic lung disease-related pulmonary hypertension.
In celebration of its upcoming 20th anniversary, Hong Kong Disneyland has revealed plans for two new themed areas within its ...
IRISH Prime Minister Simon Harris said his country has “exciting opportunities” as it considers how to spend an almost €14 billion ($15.4 billion) windfall it will receive as a result of Apple Inc.
WITH sea levels expected to rise by 0.4 meters in the western Philippines by 2060, environmental scientists and academic leaders are pushing the immediate prioritization of blue carbon ecosystems, ...
can be measured with HANNA’s HI 93102 portable meter. This instrument not only measures turbidity, but also pH, total and free chlorine, bromine, iodine, iron, and cyanuric acid (CYS).
AFTER power disruptions hit three condominium buildings in Cebu City, Visayan Electric Company has agreed to install individual meters for unit owners. This agreement was reached following a meeting ...
Data can be later transferred to a PC via RS232 or USB interface and HANNA HI 92000 software (optional). For advanced field applications, the HI 98713 is equipped with Fast Tracker™—Tag ...
THE DAVAO City Water District (DCWD) collaborated with the Davao City Police Office to put an end to seasonal water meter theft cases. DCWD spokesperson Jovana Cresta Duhaylungsod said only… ...
The University of the Philippines Gawad Pangulo awarding ceremony is the culminating event of the Linggo ng Unibersidad. Gawad Pangulo is the Presidential recognition that members of the UP community ...