A new project to protect birds of prey in parts of Sheffield has been launched. Owlthorpe Fields Conservation Group wants to ...
Winterwatch returns to BBC Two & iPlayer with Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Iolo Williams bringing viewers the latest ...
A new project to protect birds of prey in parts of Sheffield has been ... after which a report will be provided to the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and Sheffield City Council's Ecology ...
Automotive giant Nissan says they are just some of the animals to be found on marshland next to its Sunderland factory where ...
The Hawk Conservancy Trust is dedicated to the research and conservation of birds of prey both in the UK and overseas and utilises income from its visitor centre near Andover, Hampshire, to fund its ...
The bald eagle, America’s national bird, once faced near extinction but has made an incredible comeback. Discover how ...
Peregrine Falcons are known for being the fastest bird of prey in the UK and reaches speeds of up to 200 miles per hour when diving down on its prey from a great height. Dave said: "I was in ...
Members of the public are being encouraged to report any dead waterfowl, or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of ...
They are gregarious by nature and form flocks, often with other small wading birds such as Ringed Plovers, Dunlins and Turnstones.
The blue finch, a nonmigratory bird native to South America, was spotted perched on a branch in a garden in Worcestershire.
THE UK'S "hovering hunter" was spotted ready to catch ... was ready to swoop onto some unsuspecting prey when a Worcester News Camera Club member captured the bird mid-flight on the Malvern Hills.