Four bills currently wending their way through committees are tackling the "homeless" problem in Oklahoma, making electric utilities more responsible in relation to fires, and further strengthening ...
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. – Second Amendment Perhaps the only group ...
President Donald Trump has just started his second term, his last one permitted under the U.S. Constitution. But he's already ...
The Second Amendment Preservation Act, initially passed in 2021, prohibited police for enforcing some federal gun laws. A ...
Trump’s actions and rhetoric have served as a lightning rod of constitutional controversy, drawing concern from First ...
The 22nd Amendment has already had its say: “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and ...
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), alongside several prominent gun rights organizations, has filed a federal lawsuit ...
His executive order goes beyond his presidential power, given the 14th Amendment. On the first day of his second term as ...
America’s millions of hunters and gun owners celebrate the monumental order signed by President Donald J. Trump on Friday Feb. 7, to protect and expand Second Amendment rights.
A new CBS/YouGov poll shows that 70% of Americans think President Trump is keeping his campaign promises. On Friday, Mr.
President Donald Trump's executive orders can only be restricted if U.S. Supreme Court rules he exceeded his authority ...