The show was created by Tony Phelan, Joan Rater, and Max Thieriot himself, and is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer Television and CBS Studios. Additionally, a spinoff titled Sheriff Country ...
and Jerry Bruckheimer and KristieAnne Reed of Jerry Bruckheimer Television. Chicago Fire, produced by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, in association with Wolf ...
In addition to Phelan, Rater and Thieriot, executive producers also include the series’ showrunner, Tia Napolitano, and Jerry Bruckheimer and KristieAnne Reed of Jerry Bruckheimer Television.
Jerry!”) and bizarre guests that make you feel better about your life choices, to the inevitable on-screen fights, this was the epitome of trashy television. Some might even say America wouldn ...
Springer was on top of the television world, but at what cost? After seven years of being on air, "The Jerry Springer Show" rose in ratings in 1998 and took down daytime juggernaut Oprah Winfrey ...
Nothing quite like those fisticuffs had been seen on television, and the episode drew heavy criticism. But it also drew eyeballs, which, as the two-part Netflix documentary “Jerry Springer ...
Jerry Springer, the former Cincinnati mayor and famous talk show host, is the subject of a new docuseries premiering on Netflix this week. Springer served as mayor of Cincinnati in 1977 and 1978 ...
It was the beginning of the end. Perhaps that’s hyperbolic, blaming a single television show for hastening the decline of civilised discourse. But The Jerry Springer Show thrived on that kind of ...