Here's how J.P. Morgan seed FOMC members on the Dove-to-Hawk scale: UBS says due "to the stronger data, we expect September 2024 to be the first cut. Looking ahead, we expect data-dependent ...
Going into that meeting Bank of America has provided a helpful reminder of where FOMC members and nominees (Fischer and Brainard) sit on the hawk-dove spectrum: ...
Here is a look at Fed officials’ comments since then, sorting them under the labels “dove” and “hawk” as shorthand for their monetary policy leanings. A dove is more focused on risks to ...
"As a rotating member James Bullard did not get to vote at the FOMC meeting last year, but he was still a vocal opponent of monetary action. Weeks before the FOMC rolled out its third easing ...
Such a development, she said, could warrant a change in focus for policymakers. "Although the FOMC has been focused on lowering inflation in the past few years, as we continue to make progress on ...