Darth Vader, Sea Bug

From the time he was a child, Anakin Skywalker was told that he was the Chosen One, and he eventually believed it, even after ...
Discover Bathynomus vaderi, a newly identified giant isopod species from Vietnam’s deep seas, named after Darth Vader.
It’s always been a lingering question about what Darth Vader was thinking under that helmet, while Palpatine fried Luke with Force Lightning in Return of the Jedi. Writer Greg Pak has been ...
I’m not a big fan of Star Wars, but I Darth Vader is a cool guy, no doubt about it. I’ve never watches the Exorcist, but that girl is rather famous, you know. And, I love the Chipmunks. What am I ...
2024), the Darth Vader Samurai and Stormtrooper Samurai skins in Fortnite are listed in the Item Shop under the Star Wars tab. They can be purchased via the Star Wars Samurai bundle and are part ...