Discover Bathynomus vaderi, a newly identified giant isopod species from Vietnam’s deep seas, named after Darth Vader.
Giant ocean-dwelling isopods are on the menu in Vietnam. Scientists discovered a new species among specimens captured for the ...
A marine crustacean that looks like Darth Vader’s helmet has been recognised as a new species, but it could be under threat from trawling due to its popularity in Vietnamese restaurants ...
From the time he was a child, Anakin Skywalker was told that he was the Chosen One, and he eventually believed it, even after ...
Unlike a great number of Sith in Star Wars, Emperor Palpatine never got his own mask/helmet, and Star Wars' Jedi and other ...
Each mask shape signifies a different rank within the staff hierarchy. Workers wear circle masks and perform tasks like cleaning and body removal. They are at the bottom of the hierarchy and "cannot ...
Images show the suspect was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, a face mask, black gloves and a black and grey pair of Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes with a yellow logo. The person also wore or ...
Officials in New York City are urging people to consider wearing a face mask on public transport. Experts say the surge in winter infections is being driven by increased mixing over the holiday ...