Ohio must create more energy to avoid blackouts and high electric bills while still powering new data centers and technology.
Bipartisan House lawmakers rejected a last-ditch effort to slow the repeal of a coal bailout, funded by Ohioans' monthly ...
While natural gas saw a slight decline, coal power generation nationally jumped by 21% in January through March compared to ...
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The coal ministry will launch the 12th round of commercial mines auction on Thursday in which 25 blocks will be put on sale.
Methane emissions from a large open-cast coal mine in Australia are three to eight times higher than reported. This has been ...
President Trump wrote in a social media post, “I am authorizing my Administration to immediately begin producing Energy with ...
House Bill 196 will reduce from two to one the number of mine emergency technicians on duty at small coal mines.
Queensland's Land Court has recommended a mine lease extension be rejected unless the mine's operator can prove it will ...
An international research team studied the solar PV impact of emissions from a coal-fired power plant in the Atacama Desert, ...
The Wonderfontein acquisition will add strength to Ndalamo's position in the coal sector while laying the groundwork for ...