Data last updated January 17, 2025. As Ukrainian leaders vow to reclaim all territories seized by Russia, Moscow has prepared extensive defensive measures, particularly in Crimea, a region unlawfully ...
Putin's losses up to 834,000 as Moscow claims capture of town in Donetsk - Russia lost 1,670 troops in just the past 24 hours ...
Her partner Biser Dzhambazov, 43, from Harrow, north London, and Orlin Roussev, 46, from Great Yarmouth, have admitted being part of the three-year plot. Ivanova has claimed she was deceived, ...
South Georgia Ballet earns state recognition, putting Thomasville’s arts scene on the map Kournikova, who stays mostly out of ...
Near a border checkpoint between Belarus and Ukraine, anti-tank spikes and concrete pyramids block what was once a bustling ...
Putin claims Zelensky doesn't have a right to sign any potential peace deal * 'Pure propaganda' — Kharkiv Oblast governor ...
North Korean troops seem to temporarily withdraw from one section of front in Kursk Oblast, military says Russia claims to ...
Mr Zelensky, in his nightly video address, said he put Ukraine’s new commander of ground forces, Major General Mykhailo ...
A reporter with Agence France-Presse started saying that a large rally was taking place in Warsaw. However, Aleksandr ...
American entrepreneur Elon Musk proposed renaming the European English Channel to the channel named after the first US ...
Living 30 kilometres from the Ukrainian border, Belarusian retiree Sergei Budyukhin says the war on the other side of the ...
Russian, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko casts himself as a plain-spoken strongman and "president of the ordinary ...