What do you get when you put a U.S. Marshal, a fugitive and an unhinged pilot in a small plane? We don't know but get out your barf bag. Mark ...
Although it's mostly set high above the mountains of Alaska, the crime drama ...
Performances aside, Flight Risk commits the nearly unforgivable sin of turning a great thriller premise into laughably ...
Before Uncharted, Mark Wahlberg starred in a $85M video game movie that he was skeptical about and rightfully so as it flopped hard.
“Old and New: Soft, Sweet, Feathered and Furred” is a collection of graphite drawings by Anchorage artist Christopher Judd.
Mark Wahlberg's villain in Flight Risk would have been way more terrifying if Mel Gibson's movie included this moment that happened off-screen.
Mark Wahlberg's followers were shocked by his new haircut for the movie 'Flight Risk'.
– indicates that party didn’t feature in the polling questions separate from ‘Others’ or that the data is not yet available. Numbers in brackets show change since the previous comparable poll (i.e. by ...