As per Telegram, users can now show off collectible gifts by adding them as emoji statuses. Upon application, a glittering star effect will appear and the user's profile appearance will be modified in line with the backdrop and the collectible's symbol. This functionality can be toggled via My Profile > Gifts.
In this week’s newsletter, read about the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Getgems betting on Telegram to drive NFT adoption in 2025 and how OpenSea users are unhappy with its initial release of the trading platform’s version 2.
Dogizen, the first Telegram ICO, has raised nearly $4m from investors as it plans to expand its gaming arcard and introduce a launchpad.
Bybit Web3 , the Web3 division of Bybit , today announced the launch of its Telegram Mini Wallet, a significant step towards bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3. This innovative feature empowers users to seamlessly create and manage their Bybit Wallets directly within the popular Telegram messaging app,
Powered by AI, announces their plan to launch of a series of new product innovations including AI Agent Job Bots on Telegram with conversational capabilities following a successful four-month period of growth.
After what seemed to be a quiet year for NFTs in 2024, Getgems believes that the popularity of Telegram can turn their fortune around.
Telegram will prohibit other blockchain integrations as it reveals an exclusivity deal with The Open Network for crypto apps and games.
Wednesday night’s crash of an American Airlines commuter plane in Washington could be one of the worst disasters for the Fort Worth-based airline in more than two decades.
Co-founders Andrey Chabanov and Trevor Hoffman are looking to make crypto transfers as easy as sending a text message.
The CBI has filed a report in a special court to close the case of leak of question papers of the 2024 UGC-NET on the darknet, prompting the government to cancel the exam last year.
Will McClay has been praised over the years for his ability to get everyone on the same page from the front office to scouts to coaches.
The bustling neighborhood was once a cultural hub home to hundreds of Chinese immigrants and their descendants, many of whom who were building roads, working on railroad projects and running downtown shops, said Thomas Kessler, the executive director of the History Center of San Luis Obispo.