The Jewish holiday of Purim, celebrated March 13-14, is considered holier than Yom Kippur, yet it’s a story of survival where ...
The holy rebbe, Rav Yisroel of Ruzhin, adds that Purim is even more, for while on Yom Kippur Hashem forgives only with teshuva, repentance, on Purim He forgives as soon as we ask Him, as it says, Kol ...
The USS John F. Kennedy, the Navy’s last non-nuclear powered aircraft carrier, is at Brownsville, Texas, to begin a two-year ...
Ash Wednesday has come and gone and Lent has begun. With it comes memes about fasting and the oddities of what the Church does and doesn’t consider meat. Lent is a significant period in the Christian ...
Each generation has defining moments that give rise to the questions: “Where were you when…?” and “What was it like when…?” ...
Lent, which begins Wednesday with the Ash Wednesday observance, is a season on the church calendar that generally involves ...