Lawsuits still haunt Bayer since it bought Monsanto — putting them to rest is the key to unlocking long-term investment.
The plan may conflict with the new HHS head, RFK Jr., who helped sue Monsanto over lack of sufficient health warnings.
Clarence Thomas, the longest-serving current member of the nation’s high court, was in the capital city to observe the naming ...
An investigation into the March 6, 2022 shooting in the Morrisania section of the Bronx  concluded no criminal wrongdoing occurred on the part of the officers involved.
On Feb. 11, 2025, the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District in Durnell v. Monsanto Co., upheld a jury verdict awarding $1.25 million ...
At stake are $1.6 billion in jury awards against Monsanto in the past three years over exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs. Deepak Gupta argued for the former students, parents and ...
Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark has concluded that NYPD officers were justified in the 2022 shooting of Luis Manuel Monsanto, 18, during ...
Facing thousands of lawsuits and seeking protection from lawmakers, Bayer is using ads, lobbying and third-party mouthpieces ...
OLYMPIA, Wash. (CN) — Monsanto, the agrochemical giant, told the Washington Supreme Court that three teachers who successfully sued the company for over $185 million related to damages sustained from ...
To increase the speed and probability of discovering new crop protection products, Monsanto is collaborating with Atomwise. Together the companies will analyze potential new crop protection ...