Get ready to kick some serious virtual butt with the new Kickboxer video game based on the 1989 Jean-Claude Van Damme movie.
Jean-Claude Van Damme has starred in dozens of action movies, but arguably his most overlooked also happens to be his ...
Like most action movies set in the ‘80s, the threat of nuclear war is ... as a means to showcase Kurt Thomas' gymnastic and martial arts skills, every single trap or ambush in Gymkata has ...
By the mid-‘80s, however, that wave had pretty much ... begun to bear fruit with the mainstreaming of American-made martial arts films, especially following 1981’s Enter the Ninja, responsible ...
Jean-Claude Van Damme, known as the "Muscles from Brussels," first captured the world's attention in the late '80s and early ...
The Fragrant Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung Yu Lapchung has been executed for the murders of martial alliance members when the blackclad assailant to blame is still ...