A new Lupin The 3rd movie by Telecom Animation Film is set to be released in 2025, marking the first 2D feature-length movie in 30 years. Takeshi Koike, known for Afro Samurai and other anime ...
In the Lupin III anime, Goemon Ishikawa is a highly skilled martial artist who specializes in several disciplines, including Karate, Jujutsu and Kenjutsu. A trained expert in "Iaido" sword ...
Lupin the IIIrd the Movie is a new vision of the classic anime series directed by Takeshi Koike. This feature film continues Koike's work from previous short films, which individually explored the ...
Rick and Morty: The Anime is a new take on the popular American cartoon series, with the highly acclaimed Japanese studio ...
A series of animated action-adventure films directed by Takeshi Koike (animation director and character designer for "The Woman Called Fujiko Mine"). Each centers on one of Lupin's long-time ...
A series of animated action-adventure films directed by Takeshi Koike (animation director and character designer for "The Woman Called Fujiko Mine"). Each centers on one of Lupin's long-time ...