What Is Yu-Gi-Oh GX Anyway? Yu-Gi-Oh! GX first premiered in Japan back in 2004, and the anime series went on for four seasons. The series was the first spinoff/sequel series that Yu-Gi-Oh!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection does solid work at sanding down some pretty rough edges. If that was all there was to discuss, this wouldn't be a very engaging review. Thankfully, Yu-Gi-Oh!
But jumping into Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards really took me back ... just how easy it is to forget how far gaming has come in the last 20-odd years.
The original Yu-Gi-Oh movie received a steelbook edition last September, and Amazon has it marked down from $30 to $22.49. In December, Yu-Gi-Oh Bonds Beyond Time also received the steelbook ...
One of the most striking elements of Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection ... Then, we revert to a simplified version of gameplay in the last two games, The Sacred Cards and Reshef of Destruction ...