Catholics who abstain from eating meat on Fridays during Lent have an exception when it comes to alligators and other ...
Read more: 5 Cuts Of Beef To Buy At Aldi And 5 To Avoid Those who cook and eat alligator say its taste and texture is similar to that of pork or dark meat chicken with some fishiness to it.
A Florida man who left his patio door open for some fresh air ended up coming face-to-face with an alligator in his kitchen.
FORT MYERS, Fla. (WBBH) - A Florida couple had to deal with getting rid of an unwelcome visitor when a 7-foot alligator made itself at home in their kitchen. Paul Quinn will never forget what ...
Alligator for Lent? Yep, it’s allowed! The Catholic Church confirms gator is seafood, so South Louisiana can keep it on the menu this season. Here’s why.