This study, by Dr. Murray Roberts of the Scottish Association for Marine Science in Argyll, UK, was titled, " Reefs of the Deep: The Biology and Geology of Cold-Water Coral Ecosystems." ...
Research indicates that delicate deepwater corals tolerated or adapted to major climate and salinity fluxes, “yet today, it’s ...
Coral diseases, particularly in the Caribbean, have caused major declines in coral populations, especially affecting staghorn ...
Atlantic coral species are particularly highly threatened due to annual severe bleaching events, pollution and the impacts of disease. Red List assessments of cold-water corals, which are found in ...
His thesis was titled “On the Cold Water Temperature Anomalies Along the Coral Reefs at Sodwana Bay, South Africa”. He said ...
A portable coral aquaculture system that can be packed away and moved in sea containers to remote areas to help with coral reef restoration is being ...