Over the course of 46 years, "Star Trek" has released 14 films; from 1979's "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" to this year's ...
The Original Series star almost had a cameo in Star Trek (2009), but it would have been confusing for Trek canon.
O ne Star Trek story, overlooked by fans, secretly predicted the Vulcan’s greatest, and most unexpected, superpower. The ...
Prime Factors' wrote a check that Voyager's episodic nature could rarely cash–but it was still worth writing anyway.
While Star Trek is known for its vast `and expandable universe of interrelated shows, films, and spin-offs, there are still a ...
When Star Trek: Starfleet Academy debuts, it will be unlike any previous Trek series ever. Then again, according to a new ...
Starfleet Academy won’t be a meandering feel-good follow-up to the cataclysmic storyline that birthed it, as the show’s ...
The Cruise, fans sail with series actors, attend immersive experiences, and transform a cruise into a floating sci-fi utopia.
Shatner is in talks to return as Kirk. There's potential for the Starfleet Academy series to feature the iconic character.
Last week, Bleeding Cool scooped the news about a new IDW comic book series Star Trek: Red Shirts #1 written by Christopher ...
"Together, we can inspire a spirit of discovery to change lives and change the world for the better through a passion for ...
While it's true that the sci-fi franchise generated billions in revenue for streamers in 2024, Robert Kazinsky revealed in a ...