The COVID-19 pandemic began five years ago, in 2020, and transformed many aspects of society, none more profoundly tha ...
The Federal Government Distance Learning Association, or FGDLA, turns to the two tech companies as it seeks to expand its programs and better measure engagement and success. The FGDLA traces its roots ...
Education leaders are tackling the unexpected challenge of providing distance learning as the primary mode of instruction for weeks, months, and possibly the remainder of the school year.
Webbers Falls Public Schools has moved to distance learning for Thursday and Friday due to the number of students and ...
Boston College offers a variety of distance education opportunities, designed to offer students a flexible, online alternative to traditional on-campus programs and courses. In support of Boston ...
Since May 14, 2014, the University has maintained membership in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) in order to meet these federal requirements and offer distance education to ...
The Office of Distance Education & Instructional Design (DEID) provides faculty at Morehead State University (MSU) support in the creation and delivery of online courses that will allow for more ...